Over 10 years we helping companies reach their financial and branding goals. Onum is a values-driven SEO agency dedicated.


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Frequent Questions

What is the cost of making a website?

It depends on the package that the customer chooses. Customers can see the price by following this link. (Price of making a website) Price according to the package type specified. besides that or more from the package must agree Let's talk about the details again.

How much do I have to pay for the first time?

Payment is divided into 3 installments. Installment 1 before starting work, we will call for a service fee (deposit) of 50%, installment 2 will be charged after submitting the design 30%, and the last installment will be collected when the work is completed. will charge the remaining 20%.

How many days does it take to complete a website?

after pass and the customer sends all your information to us Fastest 7-15 days and not more than 30 days (or depending on how much information the customer has, it may be more than 30 days if there is a lot of information). because we have to send the design to you for review first Once completed, singing will be able to continue.

Will there be any additional expenses in the following years?

Ease of use in making a website in the coming years No more, only HOSTING (web server) and Domain (website name) which must be paid annually. The web in general.

Is the website 100% yours?

Usually, when work is completed/paid It is already considered that the website and domain belong to you 100%. You can let us take care of it or you can take care of the domain yourself. As for Hosting as well, both of these things you have to pay annually. For renting both Hosting and Domain

After hand over the work, is there a tutorial to use or not?

after pass and the customer sends all your information to us Fastest 7-15 days and not more than 30 days (or depending on how much information the customer has, it may be more than 30 days if there is a lot of information). because we have to send the design to you for review first Once completed, singing will be able to continue.